Release Notes ============= .. Set section numbering and ToC depth for PDFs because Sphinx has bugs and limitations. .. raw:: latex \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\setcounter{tocdepth}{0}} |version| --------- .. important:: This will be the last version which supports Unity 2019 LTS. Spectrum data will be upgraded in this version. Due to a unity bug, in some rare cases upgrading the spectrum may fail and waves will be too large. Restart Unity to restore the spectrum. Preview ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - `FFT` wave simulation added via new Shape `FFT` component. Read :ref:`shape-fft-section` for more information. Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Sponsorship page launched! Asset Store sales only cover fixes and basic support. To support new feature development and give us financial stability please consider sponsoring us, no amount is too small! - Wind speed added to OceanRenderer component so that wave conditions change naturally for different wind conditions. - Empirical spectra retweaked and use the aforementioned wind speed. - Add Overall Normals Scale parameter to material that scales final surface normal (includes both normal map and wave simulation normal). - Headless support - add support for running without display, with new toggle on OceanRenderer to emulate it in Editor. - No GPU support - add support for running without GPU, with new toggle on OceanRenderer to emulate it in Editor. - OceanRenderer usability - system automatically rebuilds when changing settings on the component, 'Rebuild' button removed. - Ocean material can now be set with scripting. - Custom Time Provider has pause toggle, for easy pausing functionality. - Network Time Provider added to easily sync water simulation to server time. - Cutscene Time Provider added to drive water simulation time from Timelines. - Made many fields scriptable (public) on *BoatProbes*, *BoatAlignNormal* and *SimpleFloatingObject*. .. only:: birp or urp - Tweaked colours and some of properties for *Ocean-Underwater* material. `[BIRP] [URP]` .. only:: hdrp - *Copy Ocean Material Params Each Frame* is now enabled by default for *Underwater Post Process*. `[HDRP]` - Add *Refractive Index of Water* property to ocean material. `[HDRP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix build errors for platforms that do not support XR/VR. - Fix "black square" bug on Oculus Quest. - Fix for bugs where a large boat may stop moving when camera is close. - Fix bad data being sampled from simulations when they're not enabled like the entire ocean being shadowed when shadow data was disabled. - Fix null exception for attach renderer help box fix button. - Fix "remove renderer" help box not showing when it should. - Fix bug where wind direction could not be set per ShapeGerstner component. - Fix compilation errors when only Unity's new *Input System* backend is available. - Fix null exceptions in validation when *OceanRenderer* is not present. - Fix incorrect validation showing in prefab mode. .. only:: hdrp - Fix shadow data for XR/VR `SPI` from working and breaking builds. `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater effect from breaking after all cameras being disabled. `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Fix ocean tiles disappearing when far from zero. `[URP]` Removed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Remove Phillips and JONSWAP spectrum model options. Deprecated ^^^^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - *Layer Name* on the *Ocean Renderer* has been deprecated. Use *Layer* instead. .. only:: birp or urp - The *Refractive Index of Air* on the ocean material will be removed in a future version. `[BIRP] [URP]` Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Document issues with transparency in new :ref:`rendering` page. - Improve :ref:`lighting` section. 4.10 ---- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Set minimum Unity version to 2019.4.24. - Spline can now be used with any ocean input type, so can be used to set water level, add flow, and more. - System for tweaking data on spline points such as flow speed. - *RegisterHeightInput* component added for a clearer way to change water height (can be used instead of *RegisterAnimWavesInput*). - More validation help boxes added to catch a wider range of setup issues. - Fix buttons in help boxes now describe action that will be taken. - Rename *Add Water Height From Geometry* to *Set Base Water Height Using Geometry*. - Rename *Set Water Height To Geometry* to *Set Water Height Using Geometry*. - Improved spline gizmo line drawing to highlight selected spline point. - Add version and render pipeline to help button documentation links. - Validate scene view effects toggle options. - Add various fix buttons for depth cache issues. .. only:: hdrp or urp - Set minimum render pipeline package version to 7.6 which is correct for 2019.4. `[HDRP] [URP]` .. only:: hdrp - Rearrange some material properties. `[HDRP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix water body creation not being part of undo/redo history. - Fix spline point delete not being part of undo/redo history. - Fix validation fix buttons that attach components not being part of undo/redo history. - Fix ShapeGerstnerBatched not having default spectrum when using "Reset" and correct undo/redo history. - Fix properties with embedded asset editors appearing broken for Unity 2020 and 2021. .. only:: hdrp - Fix shader compilation errors for `HDRP` 10.4. `[HDRP]` - Remove duplicate foam bubble properties. `[HDRP]` - New horizon line bug fix which is enabled by default (with option to switch back to old safety margin). `[HDRP]` Documentation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Add :ref:`detecting_above_or_below_water` and have Q&A question refer to it. - Add :ref:`known-issues` page. .. only:: hdrp - Document *Caustics Distortion Texture*. `[HDRP]` - Fixed Underwater :ref:`underwater_pp_setup` not being complete. `[HDRP]` .. only:: hdrp or urp - Fix broken Unity documentation links by correctly setting minimum render pipeline version. `[HDRP] [URP]` 4.9 --- Breaking ^^^^^^^^ - Dynamic Waves and Foam simulations now run at configurable fixed timesteps for consistency across different frame rates. Tweaking of settings may be required. See :pr:`778` for more details. - Change *Layer Names* (string array) to *Layers* (LayerMask) on *Ocean Depth Cache*. Preview ^^^^^^^ - Add wizard for creating local water bodies. See :ref:`water-bodies`. Changed ^^^^^^^ - Add :link:`online documentation `. - Set up help button linking to new documentation for multiple components, and added material help button. - Add inline editing for sim settings, wave spectrums and ocean material. - Add `Crest` icons to sim settings and wave spectrums. - Add button to fix issues on some validation help boxes. - Add validation to inform whether the depth cache is outdated. - Add validation for ocean depth cache with non uniform scale. - Add scriptable custom time provider property which accepts interfaces. - Validate simulation checkboxes and their respective material checkboxes and inputs. - Add "`Crest`" prefix to component menu items. - Organise "`Crest`" component menu items into subfolders. Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix more cases of fine gaps. - Fix depth cache not reflecting updated properties when populating cache. - Fix RayTraceHelper not working. - Fix ShapeGerstner component breaking builds. - Fix PS4/PSSL shader errors. - Fix local waves flickering in some cases. - Fix VFACE breaking shaders on consoles. .. only:: hdrp - Fix underwater normals incorrect orientation. `[HDRP]` - Fix shader errors for latest consoles. `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Fix gray ocean by forcing depth and opaque texture when needed in the editor. `[URP]` - Only feather foam at shoreline if transparency is enabled. `[URP]` Deprecated ^^^^^^^^^^ - *Assign Layer* component is no longer used in examples and will be removed. 4.8 --- Preview ^^^^^^^ - Add new Gerstner component *ShapeGerstner* with better performance, improved foam at a distance, correct wave direction and spline support (preview). See notes in the *Wave conditions* section of the user guide. - Add new spline tool component *Spline* which can be wave splines for new gerstner system (preview). See notes in the *Wave conditions* section of the user guide. Changed ^^^^^^^ - Change minimum Unity version to 2019.4.9 - Add orthographic projection support to ocean surface - Add weight control for *Underwater Environmental Lighting* component - Calculate sub-surface light scattering from surface pinch, to enable other fixes/improvements. May require retweaking of the scattering settings on the ocean material. - Improve error reporting when compute shaders fail - Change shader level target for combine shader to 3.5 which might fix some issues on Quest Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix dynamic wave sim stablity by reducing *Courant number* default value - Remove warning when camera not set which was displaying even when it shouldn't - Change ocean depth cache populate event option to Start - Fix for multiple gaps/cracks in ocean surface bugs - Fix *Follow Horizontal Motion* for foam override - Fix normals not being flipped for underwater with flow enabled .. only:: hdrp - Fix meniscus shader not being enabled `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Fix ocean depth cache triggered by other cameras or probes `[URP]` - Fix underwater effect flickering when other cameras are in the scene `[URP]` Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add option on *AnimWaveSimSetting* to disable ping pong for combine pass. See notes in performance section of user guide. 4.7 --- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Add foam override shader and material to remove foam - Add camera property to *OceanRenderer*. *ViewerHeightAboveWater* will use camera transform - Add option to add downhill force to buoyancy for some floating objects .. only:: hdrp - Disable underwater culling if underwater effect is not used `[HDRP]` - Underwater effect uses stencil buffer instead of depth buffer again `[HDRP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Improve platform support by improving texture compatibility checks - Fix Unity 2020.2 / RP 10 support - Fix shadows not following scene view camera - Fix *Follow Horizontal Motion* not working - Fix *Strength* on *Crest/Inputs/Foam/Add From Texture* being ignored - Query system - fixed ring buffer exhausted error on some Linux and Android platforms .. only:: hdrp - Fix shadow data breaking gizmos and GUI `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater copy ocean material parameters option not working correctly when unchecked `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater anti-aliasing artefacts around objects (HDRP 10+ required. See underwater documentation) `[HDRP]` Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Minor underwater performance improvement .. only:: hdrp - Improve underwater XR multi-pass support (still not 100%) `[HDRP]` - Improve underwater XR single pass instance performance `[HDRP]` - Improve underwater performance when using dynamic scaling `[HDRP]` 4.6 --- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Change minimum Unity version to 2019.4.8 - Improve foam texture - Add height component that uses *UnityEvents* (under examples) - Add shadow LOD data inputs - Add support for disable scene reloading - Add more dynamic waves debug reporting options - Disable horizontal motion correction on animated waves inputs by default - Make some shader parameters globally available .. only:: hdrp - Add reflections to ocean surface underside from water volume `[HDRP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix precision artefacts in waves for mobile devices when far away from world centre - Fix spectrum editor not working in play mode with time freeze - Fix build error - Fix *UnderwaterEnvironmentalLighting* component restoring un-initialised values - Fix precision issues causing very fine gaps in ocean surface - Fix some memory leaks in edit mode .. only:: urp - Fix mesh for underwater effects casting shadow in some projects `[URP]` - Fix caustics moving, rotating or warping with camera for `URP` 7.4+ `[URP]` - Fix caustics breaking for VR/XR `SPI` `[URP]` - Fix underwater material from breaking on project load or recompile `[URP]` .. only:: hdrp - Fix underwater surface colour being added to transparent parts of ocean surface when underwater `[HDRP]` - Fix sample height warning for XR multi-pass `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater caustics not working in build due to stripping `[HDRP]` - Fix shadows breaking VR/XR single pass instanced `[HDRP]` - Fix deprecated XR API call warning `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater breaking camera when ocean is disabled during run-time `[HDRP]` - Fix ocean falloff parameters allowing bad values `[HDRP]` Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Improve performance by reducing work done on scripted shader parameters every frame 4.5 --- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Add option to ocean input to allow it to move with ocean surface horizontally (was always on in last version) - Allow save depth cache to file in edit mode - Remove ocean depth cache updating every frame in edit mode - Improve feedback in builds when spectrum is invalid - Improve spectrum inspector - Validate OceanRenderer transform component - Validate enter play mode settings .. only:: hdrp - Add soft/volume shadows support `[HDRP]` - Add light/shadow layer support `[HDRP]` - Remove caustics strength scaling by sun light and sea depth `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Add option to clip ocean surface under terrain `[URP]` - Use local shader keywords `[URP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix undo/redo for spectrum inspector - Fix dynamic waves crashing when flow or depth sim not enabled - Fix culling issues with turbulent waves - Fix precision issues causing gaps in ocean surface - Fix shadow sampling not following camera after changing viewpoint - Fix shadow sampling not following scene camera - Fix caustics and shadows not being correctly aligned - Fix material being allocated every frame in edit mode .. only:: hdrp - Fix underwater effect for MSAA `[HDRP]` - Fix many cases where gaps would appear with underwater effect `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater effect rendering at top of viewport in certain cases `[HDRP]` - Fix shader errors for HDRP 8.2 `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Fix underwater effects for URP 7.4+ `[URP]` 4.4 --- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Gerstner waves from geometry shader - allow wave scaling using vertex colour - Usability: disable inactive fields on ocean components in Inspector - Validation: improve lighting settings validation .. only:: hdrp - XR: add single pass instanced support to underwater effects `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - XR: add Single Pass Instanced support `[URP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix for buffer overrun in height query system which caused crashes on Metal - Fix for height query system breaking down at high frame rates when queries made from FixedUpdate - Fix height queries when Scene Reload is disabled - Fix various null reference exceptions in edit mode - Fix for small wavelengths that could never be disabled - Fix popping caused by shallow subsurface scattering colour - Fix some null exceptions if OceanRenderer is not enabled in scene - Fix mode (Global/Geometry) not applying in edit mode for ShapeGerstnerBatched component - Clean up validation logging to console when a component is added in edit mode .. only:: hdrp - Fix global keywords not being local in underwater shader `[HDRP]` - Fix ocean material keywords not applying to underwater `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater breaking when dynamic scaling is used `[HDRP]` - Fix caustics occasionally appearing on underside of surface `[HDRP]` - Fix caustics briefly being too intense when switching cameras with adaptive exposure `[HDRP]` - Fix indirect lighting controller multipliers not being applied `[HDRP]` - Fix primary light intensity not reducing when primary light goes below the horizon `[HDRP]` - Fix null exceptions when primary light is unset `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Fix underwater shader/material breaking on project load `[URP]` - Fix shadow sampling running on cameras which isn't the main camera `[URP]` Performance ^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix for ocean depth cache populating every frame erroneously 4.3 --- .. only:: urp .. important:: **Crest LWRP deprecated**. We are no longer able to support LWRP, and have removed the LWRP version of Crest in this release. Do not install this version if you need to remain on LWRP. Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Ocean now runs in edit mode - Realtime validation in the form of inspector help boxes .. only:: hdrp - Add Submarine example scene created by the Digital Wizards team (Aldana Zanetta and Fernando Zanetta). `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Make compatible with dynamic batching `[URP]` - Add option to disable occlusion culling in planar reflections to fix flickering (disabled by default) `[URP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix *Segment registrar scratch exhausted* error that could appear in editor .. only:: hdrp - Fix underwater effect rendering when using baked occlusion culling `[HDRP]` - Fix gaps appearing in underwater effect for very turbulent water `[HDRP]` - Fix underwater raising exception when switching cameras `[HDRP]` - Fix caustics rendering short of ocean surface when underwater `[HDRP]` 4.2 --- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Scale caustics intensity by lighting, depth fog density and depth. - Show proxy plane in edit mode to visualise sea level. - Validate ocean input shader, warn if wrong input type used. - Warn if SampleHeightHelper reused multiple times in a frame. .. only:: hdrp - Clamp reflection ray to horizon to avoid picking up below-horizon colours. `[HDRP]` - Use sampler settings for normal map textures to allow changing filtering settings. Turned on anisotropic sampling to reduce blurring. `[HDRP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix leaked height query GUIDs which could generate 'too many GUIDs' error after some time. - Fix for cracks that could appear between ocean tiles. - Fix for null ref exception in SRP version verification. - Metal - fix shader error messages in some circumstances. - Fix for erroneous water motion if Flow option enabled on material but no Flow simulation present. - Fix sea floor depth being in incorrect state when disabled. .. only:: hdrp - Fix for a few cases where a crack or line is visible at the horizon. `[HDRP]` - Fix for caustics showing above surface. `[HDRP]` - Fix foam normals which were not working. `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Fix caustics stereo rendering for single-pass VR `[URP]` 4.1 --- Changed ^^^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Clip surface shader - add convex hull support - Add support for local patch of Gerstner waves, demonstrated by GameObject *GerstnerPatch* in *boat.unity* - Darkening of the environment lighting underwater due to out-scattering is now done with scripting. See the *UnderwaterEnvironmentalLighting* component on the camera in *main.unity*. - Remove object-water interaction weight parameter on script. Use strength on material instead. .. only:: hdrp - Automatically pick the *sun* light if no *Primary Light* is specified. `[HDRP]` .. only:: urp - Bump version to 4.1 to match versioning with *Crest HDRP*. `[URP]` Fixed ^^^^^ .. bullet_list:: - Fix garbage allocations. - Fix PS4 compile errors. - Multiple fixes to height query code that could produce 'flat water' issues or use incorrect wave data. - Better retention of foam on water surface under camera motion. .. only:: hdrp - Fix flow not affecting displaced waves. `[HDRP]` - Fix flow not working in *Whirlpool* example scene in standalone builds. `[HDRP]` - Fixed caustics effect when underwater and added distortion. `[HDRP]` .. only:: hdrp 4.0 `[HDRP]` ------------ - First release! .. only:: urp 3.8 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Refactor: Move example content into prefabs to allow sharing between multiple variants of Crest Fixed ^^^^^ - Fix for missing shadergraph subgraph used in test/development shaders. This does not affect main functionality but fixes import errors. 3.7 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Clip surface shader - replaces the ocean depth mask which is now deprecated - Exposed maximum height query count in *Animated Wave Settings* - Support disabling *Domain Reload* in 2019.3 for fast iteration Deprecated ^^^^^^^^^^ - Ocean depth mask - replaced by clip surface shader Removed ^^^^^^^ - Removed the deprecated GPU readback system for getting wave heights on CPU 3.6 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Third party notices added to meet license requirements. See ** in the package root. 3.5 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Gizmos - color coded wireframe rendering of geometry for ocean inputs - Object-water interaction: 'adaptor' component so that interaction can be used without a 'boat'. See *AnimatedObject* object in *boat.unity*. - Object-water interaction: new script to generate dynamic waves from spheres, which can be composed together. See *Spinner* object in *boat.unity*. - Input shader for flowmap textures - Better validation of depth caches to catch issues - Documentation - link to new tutorial video about creating ocean inputs Fixed ^^^^^ - VR refraction fix - ocean transparency now works in VR using *Single Pass* mode. - Fix visual pop bug at background/horizon when viewer gains altitude - Fix for compile errors for some ocean input shaders 3.4 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Ocean depth cache supports saving cache to texture on disk - Ray trace helper for ray queries against water - Input shader for flowmaps - Shader code misc refactors and cleanup Fixed ^^^^^ - Fix for dynamic wave sim compute shader not compiling on iOS 3.3 `[URP]` ----------- Fixed ^^^^^ - Fix for compute-based height queries which would return wrong results under some circumstances (visible when using Visualise Collision Area script) - VR: Fix case where sea floor depth cache was not populated - VR: Fix case where ocean planar reflections broken 3.2 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Add links to recently published videos to documentation - Asmdef files added to make Crest compilation self-contained - Documentation - strategy for configuring dynamic wave simulation - Documentation - dedicated, fleshed out section for shallow water and shoreline foam - Documentation - technical information about render/draw order Fixed ^^^^^ - Fixes for wave shape and underwater curtain on Vulkan - Fix for user input to animated wave shape, add to shape now works correctly - Fix for underwater appearing off-colour in standalone builds - Fix garbage generated by planar reflections script - Fix for invalid sampling data error for height queries - Fix for underwater effect not working in secondary cameras - Fix waves not working on some GPUs and Quest VR - :issue:`279` - Fix planar reflections not lining up with visuals for different aspect ratios 3.1 `[URP]` ----------- Changed ^^^^^^^ - Preview 1 of Crest URP - package uploaded for Unity 2019.3 Fixed ^^^^^ - Made more robust against VR screen depth bug, resolves odd shapes appearing on surface - :issue:`279`